There is no escaping it.

Everyone in the world, without exception, has been impacted by the world pandemic of COVID-19. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first nor will it be the last world pandemic.

So how do you cope now and prepare for it again in the future?

First there was fear.

Then frustration.

Impatience and boredom followed.

Now we are all waiting for it to pass.

And, we have no idea how long that will take.

We are powerless, as Mother Nature reminds us who is boss.

We are waiting for things to return back to normal.

Whatever that means. 

But wait! 

Is that what you really want? 

Do you really want things to go back to the way they were?

What if you didn’t go back to the way things were? 

What if you used this timeout to re-evaluate your priorities and reset to a new normal?

Instead of waiting around bored, anxious, and frustrated, if you could change something and make it better, what would you change?

Here are some ideas to consider while you wait it out.

100 Things to Do During COVID-19 to Make Life Better

  1. Learn a new skill.
  2. Learn a new language.
  3. Start a new business.
  4. Dare to dream.
  5. Start a journal.
  6. Take an online class you have always wanted to do.
  7. Donate old clothes to Goodwill.
  8. Catch up on all the reading you never have time for.
  9. Read a book a week or month.
  10. Do home improvement projects.
  11. Fix things that are broken.
  12. Clean out a closet or drawer.
  13. Organize your office.
  14. Do a deep cleaning of your house.
  15. Have family dinners seated around the dining room table together.
  16. Have family movie night.
  17. Rescue a dog or cat.
  18. Do random anonymous acts of kindness for homeless people.
  19. Call friends and family you haven’t talked to for a while.
  20. Make amends or heal a broken relationship.
  21. Forgive someone.
  22. Forgive yourself.
  23. Organize all the files on your computer.
  24. Learn about social media.
  25. Join Facebook groups that focus on something you are interested in.
  26. Join and find local groups of people who share common interests with you.
  27. Listen to music that you love.
  28. Try wine tasting.
  29. Start a garden.
  30. Write a book.
  31. Paint a room in your house.
  32. Paint your whole house.
  33. Decorate your bedroom or bathroom.
  34. Learn how to cook a new dish.
  35. Watch a new series on Netflix from start to finish.
  36. Watch a documentary about a subject you have been curious about.
  37. Start yoga.
  38. Go for long walks in your neighborhood.
  39. Go for hikes in nature.
  40. Start an exercise routine.
  41. Start a diet.
  42. Dye your hair a different color just for fun.
  43. Learn how to use a new technology.
  44. Rearrange your furniture.
  45. Bake a pie and give it to a neighbor.
  46. Do random acts of kindness for neighbors.
  47. Call your mom or dad and tell them that you love them.
  48. Walk your dog more. They will love it!
  49. Look for a new job that you will be happier in.
  50. Study a new subject you are interested in.
  51. Invest in an education to acquire a new certification or license in something.
  52. Start a blog.
  53. Learn to dance.
  54. Learn to sing.
  55. Learn to paint.
  56. Dance with your dog to your favorite music.
  57. Do nothing and enjoy it.
  58. Relax.
  59. Drive somewhere beautiful just to enjoy the ride.
  60. Be in nature more.
  61. Write to your local politician and express your concerns.
  62. Vote on election day.
  63. Clean your floors or carpets.
  64. Build something.
  65. Wash your dog.
  66. Give yourself a facial.
  67. Take a bubble bath by candlelight and relaxing music.
  68. Get a book on Astronomy and study the constellations in the sky.
  69. Clean out your fridge and throw away all the old icky stuff.
  70. Organize your kitchen cabinets.
  71. Clean out your garage.
  72. Start a gratitude journal.
  73. Appreciate and acknowledge someone every day.
  74. Start a new hobby.
  75. Update your wardrobe.
  76. Clean up your yard.
  77. Change your makeup.
  78. Try a new hairstyle.
  79. Get a Kindle and read more books.
  80. Try Audible if you prefer to listen to books instead.
  81. Write a review for a company or product that you liked.
  82. Write a love letter to each and every member of your family.
  83. Create your Christmas list.
  84. Help a friend move.
  85. Hire a friend who lost their job to do odd jobs for you.
  86. Teach your kids how to train the dog.
  87. Teach your kids a new hobby or sport.
  88. Start writing your memoirs.
  89. Volunteer virtually to help someone.
  90. Mow your neighbor’s lawn for them.
  91. Clean up your neighbor’s yard for them. Ask their permission first.
  92. Volunteer to do a project at work that improves things so they work better.
  93. Send a card or gift to someone at work who needs a pick-me-up.
  94. Hunt for the missing socks in your laundry room.
  95. Call a friend and focus completely on them for the whole entire call. 
  96. Look in the mirror and tell yourself everything you like about you.
  97. Stare into your own eyes in the mirror and tell you that you love you.
  98. Say a prayer for someone who needs it.
  99. Spread good news and positive energy.
  100. Choose a change you want to make in your life and go for it.

Do you really want things to return to the way they were?

What if they could be better? 

Are you going to languish in anguish waiting it out and dreading the future, or are you going to take back control and use this time to create a new, brighter, and better future for yourself and your family and friends? 

It’s up to you. What do you choose? The way things were or a new future that you create?

If you want to use this time to make changes in your life, check out Blast Through Change!