Do you feel comfortable being yourself boldly and unapologetically?

Or, are you a little insecure about putting yourself out there, worried about what other people may think?

Here’s the thing, you will never know what other people are thinking.

So, since you can’t control that or them and what they think, why not just give yourself permission to just be you! 

Think about how good that would feel, like letting out your breath after holding it for a very long time.

So many of us worry too much about what other people think about us; when they are probably not even thinking about us. Isn’t that crazy?

We are all the centers of our own universes. We all think about ourselves way more than we think about others. And, since you spend your entire life with yourself and no one else does, doesn’t what you think matter more than anyone else?

Okay, here goes, me being boldly and unapologetically me,

Menopause cured me of caring much about what other people think.

And, it is soooo liberating!!!

People are going to think what they think, I can’t do anything about that.

But, I can give myself permission to be me and just go for it, flaws and all, and just own it. That is true power and freedom.

The people I admire most are authentic and own who they are without apologies. What they think matters to them more than anyone else’s opinion.

When it comes to attracting attention and becoming more visible in your business, it requires risk and experimentation until you find our voice and your audience.

That scares a lot of you. Either because you are shy or insecure or just don’t know what to do or how. 

Would you like to eliminate all those limitations once and for all?

We all need help from someone who has walked a few miles in our moccasins. We all need someone who cares to point the way and show us how to do it and get there.

Starting up and growing your own business to support you and your family and liberate you from the rat race isn’t easy. 

That’s why a lot of people play it safe and are employees. But, that really isn’t that safe. Because someone else has control over you and your financial security and time. 

Most people struggle with getting out there to be visible in order to attract their soulmate clients. They just don’t know what or how to do it.

I was one of those people. Then I invested in myself and figured out what worked for me to build 6 and 7 figure businesses.

How about you?