This week’s theme has been accountability. Why? What is so great about accountability? Why is everyone talking about it and joining accountability groups lately?

When you are count-on-able, it reduces breakdowns, problems, and unnecessary drama in your life and business. Accountability brings out the best in you and makes things work better. And, it relieves you of a lot of stress because things run more smoothly. 

Accountability = integrity.

Accountability is about following through and taking action to do the things you said you would do for yourself and others. It builds trust. 

Think about someone in your life who is a flake. You love them but you know you can’t count on them. How does that feel? Do you just let them off the hook? Have you ever considered what that is costing you or them and your relationship to just let them off the hook? 

When you let others off the hook, you sell out of them and your own integrity. You give them permission to be less than their best. You sell out on them because you don’t want to be confrontational. Or perhaps, you just don’t want to be bothered. But, how much does it bother you that they aren’t someone you can count on? What does it cost you?

You teach people how to treat you. You set the rules and the boundaries from your very first interaction with someone. Do you let people off the hook? Why? Do you think you are being a nice person by doing that? 

Consider this. If they are flaking out on you they are most likely doing that with everyone else in their life too. That is a whole lot of disappointment that you and everyone else is tolerating because no one wants to have a difficult conversation.

Holding people accountable to a certain standard, rules, performance, and boundaries isn’t mean. In fact, it is probably one of the best things you could do for the people in your life. 

Is there someone in your life you have been allowing to break promises and make excuses to you? Have you ever asked yourself, “Why?” It isn’t serving them or you. 

What are you getting out of it? Have you ever considered what that is costing you?

Is there someone in your life you could raise the bar with and have a crucial conversation about expecting more from them? What benefit could that bring to you, them, and perhaps your relationship?

In order to succeed as entrepreneurs, we have to deliver on our promises. And, we have to rely on others in order to help us do that. How can you level up in your business by providing more accountability for the people you work with?