He or she who asks the questions controls the conversation.
When you ask questions you are interested and gathering information.
Do you have a question sequence of script you use with every, single, prospect that you have perfected from consistent, persistent, practice, practice, practice?
When you ask the right kinds of skilful questions and then listen and focus on that one person sitting in front of you, that is all that matters at that moment.
Psst. Come closer.
I have a secret to share with you.
Every single human being on the planet wants to feel important.
When we take time and show genuine interest in getting to know someone, they feel seen and heard. They feel cared for and understood.
Asking questions is the superpower that achieves that worldwide outcome that ALL human beings crave.
If you aren’t generating or converting enough interested prospects, perhaps you need to focus on them more by asking questions, being interested, and listening.
If you do, something magical will happen before you. You will make a meaningful connection with that person.
Then they will tell you what they need and why. And there you are sitting right in front of them, ready, willing, and able to give it to them.
That’s when the magic happens.
You don’t have to sell them.
They want to buy from you because you “get them” like no one else ever has.
They know, like, and trust you. And you all live happily ever after.
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