It takes grit and guts and being willing to face uncertainty, overcome fear, work through frustration, and have the humility to fail forward and learn from your mistakes and not give up.
My History
I have started up and grown several small businesses. I have gone back and forth between working for other people’s companies and working for myself.
I have learned from working for others but honestly prefer working for myself because I am free to call the shots and implement my own ideas without asking permission and waiting for other people to decide what I get to do.
Being an Entrepreneur isn’t for Everyone
I have friends that admitted that they could never do their own business because they need security and benefits. They really think that working for someone else gives them that.
How many people who have gotten laid off in the last year feel secure and have benefits now?
Working for other people doesn’t give you more security or certainty. They are in control of your income and destiny. Someone else decides how high you will progress in the hierarchy. Not you. You don’t have control. They do.
But, being a business owner isn’t for everyone. It requires confidence, grit, guts, and a very strong work ethic but most of all perseverance and resiliency. You have to be able to bounce back from failure over and over again and not make it mean anything about you.
It Takes Courage, Perseverance, and Determination
Being your own boss takes courage, determination, and discipline. You have to have a plan and then take action to get results. It isn’t for the faint at heart.
But! It is worth it!
Because when you are your own boss and not just a self-employed slave, when you really build a business that can run with or without you, then you are free, truly free.
When you are free and have all the time and money you need or want, then you are no longer distracted by getting or having enough. Now your attention can be directed outward to the world to see what kind of impact and influence you want to have on the world.
You have the capacity to focus on others and make a positive difference in the world. You can create a legacy to leave the world a better place because of you.
Facing Fear, Frustration, and Failure are part of the Journey
It hasn’t been easy for me and at times even humiliating and frustrating as hell to figure out my own path in this world personally and professionally. I am a late bloomer but I have no shame in that because I never gave up believing in myself and my dream.
My determination is what helped me bounce back from failure to start again and again until I found my nirvana in business coaching and supporting other people on their journey into the adventures of entrepreneurship.
It isn’t for everyone . . . but is it for you?
Being a business owner isn’t for everyone. I am not writing this to convince anyone of anything. I am writing this to a select few who have dreamed of being your own boss and want more freedom in your life.
Do you want to call the shots and not have any limitations or someone else telling you what you can and can’t do?
Are you ready to take the first step toward your dream of being your own boss?
Do you just need permission and some encouragement and support?
Consider this your invitation and rally cry! Go for it!
And, I’d like to help. Watch this free webinar to start your exciting new journey toward freedom
Then schedule a Business Assessment Call with me to discuss your ideas for free. I would love to help you take your first steps towards freedom.
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