You commit to something.
You schedule it.

You do it.

It doesn’t matter how you feel about it.

You just show up and do it. Period.

But, we human beings are lazy.
We live with the illusion that life should be easy.

Get over it.

Life is just life.

It is neutral.
It is not personal and it is not easy.
Accept that and then get to work.

Here’s the thing.

What’s missing is a big hairy ass motivation that is worth all the effort.

When you really want something bad enough, you’ll find the time, money and energy to do it.

Being consistent starts small and grows into something huge over time.

I have helped shy clients overcome their fear of cold calling people, by taking it one phone call at a time.

People get fit one sit up or workout at a time.

People accumulate wealth by saving and investing one dollar at a time.

Small consistent actions aren’t a big deal but they add up over time.

I have literally coached thousands of entrepreneurs over the past 21 years and learned a lot about human nature from all those calls.

When you want something bad enough you will figure out a way.
But, that isn’t enough.

You need to dig deep into your motivation.

Set goals.

Plan and take action.

And even that isn’t enough for some people.

If you are not a disciplined person, and dare I admit it, maybe a bit lazy, or perhaps insecure and lack the confidence you need to succeed, then you need support and accountability to lend a helping hand.

Being consistent isn’t easy for a lot of us.
I am good about being consistent with certain things and not others.

But, where I have been consistent, that is where I have seen the most rewarding results in my life and business.

What could you be more consistent with that could make a huge impact on your business little by little over time? Are you willing to work at it and wait to see what happens?
Consistency is worth the effort.
Try it. You’ll like it.