Happy accidents are when something doesn’t turn out as you expected but leads to something unexpected that is kind of awesome.

We all try so hard to be perfect and do it right.
We try so hard to succeed and win.

And life throws us curve balls and detours us unexpectedly.

As an entrepreneur, there is so much to do to succeed.
You wear many hats.

And, there are many unexpected curve balls you didn’t see coming.

How do you deal with them?

Do you fold and give up or do you take a time out to catch your breath and figure out what you can do about it?

When I sold a business and then the person who bought it from me squelched on our deal, I could have fought her legally in court. But, I didn’t want to use up all my time, energy, and money doing that. I thought it would be too negative and not worth the fight.

Instead, I chose to regroup and rebuild and go in a different direction.

That was a turning point for me that changed my life for the better.

That scary, disappointing event wasn’t easy to go through but it woke me up to discover and follow a better path for me.

That breakdown caused a breakthrough that was life changing for me.

What do you do when bad things happen?

How do you handle them?

As entrepreneurs, we have to be resilient and bounce back from setbacks to find solutions that keep us going.

If you can’t handle problems, setbacks, and unexpected disappointments, then go get a job working for someone else.

Being your own boss takes grit and guts. It isn’t for whiners and cry babies.

When things are falling apart around you and you don’t know what you are going to do, take a time out, catch your breath, and then think. Think about the very next step. That’s it. Just the next step. And, then the next. Eventually a plan will formulate and you will be on your way.

Or, ask for help.
No one succeeds alone.

We all have blind spots, especially when we are emotionally invested in something.
That’s why coaching has exploded over the past 20 years.
Because, we all need help.