It starts out small and like that one little thing really isn’t much.
That is why a lot of people won’t start that one simple, little thing, because it doesn’t seem like enough. But, it is because that one thing adds up over time and before you know it . . . the one little thing has grown into one huge result.
There is a lot of power in keeping things small and simple and being consistent. They add up to massive results over time.
It isn’t much at first but if you commit to that one thing, that one habit or routine, over time it takes on a life of its own and could lead you to places, people, and opportunities you never even thought or dreamed were possible.
Writing daily posts consistently every week for months and months has attracted people and opportunities to me I never thought would happen.
Writing consistent content has attracted previous and new clients to work with me. It has attracted people that watched me for a while, people who weren’t even engaging or responding to my content. They just watched for a while and then they contacted me and were ready to get to work.
You never know who’s watching.
Just keep writing and posting and doing your thing.
Be consistent because that shows people who you are.
It builds trust.
It shows people that you follow through and can be counted on.
Writing consistent content is a way to express myself and boldly and bravely share myself with the world, flaws and all. And funny enough, it is when I have shared about my failures that has inspired people the most.
Being consistent has given people a chance to get to know me and get a peek into my character and my experience and what I have to offer.
If you aren’t consistent, no one knows you exist.
If you aren’t consistent, no one knows what you are capable of.
If you aren’t consistent, you don’t get the long-term, sustainable results needed to grow a thriving business.
Being consistent is probably the greatest superpower that the most super successful people have mastered to achieve the success they have.
Being consistent also has another benefit.
It builds your confidence and belief in yourself.
You learn to trust yourself that you can do it and follow through.
That is a very empowering thing.
How could being more consistent with your business generating activities impact your business?
What would be possible if you committed to a consistent marketing, networking, and sales strategy and routine in your business?
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