I mean do you ever experiment – try to attract something to see if, when, and how it happens?
The trick is that you have to truly believe it will happen, otherwise it doesn’t work.
I’ve noticed that if I set my intention for something and I create an outcome I am looking for without knowing how I will get there – it takes about two months for me to manifest what I desire.
As I have been putting a lot of focus and intention on Elevating my own Mindset, I am seeing this process happen even quicker.
I started a new daily habit in the middle of last week, where each morning I start with my big WHY?, the reason I am getting out of bed each day and focused on building a business. I then envision my goals and put them in my future timeline.
This weekend, an opportunity showed up completely unexpected. In fact, if I had thought of this opportunity myself I would have dismissed it as not a good fit for me – but when it showed up (the right message delivered from the right person at the right time) it was magical! I saw possibilities and how this was exactly what I needed.
Now I am inspired to Do More – Be More – Attract More!
What are you wanting to attract? Are your mindset and beliefs aligned with your goals and outcomes?
“I want a million dollars because I hate being poor and not having enough….may not attract what you want because your focus is on getting away from something (poverty).”
“I want a million dollars because I love being financially free and independent and using my resources to empower myself and others…may attract what you want because your focus is on getting towards something (financial freedom).”
Subtle shifts in mindset, beliefs, and perspective can have huge impacts on outcomes.
If you’re not getting what you want – let’s talk.
It may be as simple as moving from getting away to moving towards your goals and beliefs. Jump on a free connection call today: https://catalystcoachingsolutions.setmore.com/michael
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