I don’t know about you, but when I focus on helping others in my business, rather than getting a new client or how much I making that month, things just seem to work better. And, I noticed that I feel better too.
How about you?
Can you relate?
Do you suck at marketing and sales?
Marketing is about visibility and attracting your dream client.
Selling is about having a meaningful conversation with them that helps them get what they want and need.
The online marketplace has gotten crowded.
I don’t know about you, but I hate crowds.
I think I am a little claustrophobic.
I don’t want to compete with a bunch of other people who are doing the same thing.
How about you?
Can you relate?
So how do you stand out and get noticed amongst the crowds and noise?
Tune into WIIFM!
Everyone, including you and me, are all the center of our own universes.
So, tune into their favorite frequency – What’s in it for Me.
And then listen!
Be interested in them. Really, genuinely interested.
Be willing to invest in starting a relationship rather than selling them something.
Be curious.
Ask them questions about where it hurts.
Ask them questions about their hopes and dreams.
Get to know them beyond it leading to a sale for you.
When you are genuinely interested in helping other people they can sense it.
They will open up to you.
When you are truly interested in finding out about them just because, they can sense that.
They will trust you.
When you find out more about them and find some common ground to bond on, they will know it.
They will like you.
We all want to buy and no one wants to be sold.
We all prefer to do business with people we know, like, and trust.
Be interested.
Tune into their favorite frequency, WIIFM.
They will appreciate it.
That is the start of knowing, liking, and trusting each other.
It may or may not lead to business.
But at the very least, you will expand your network and make a new friend.
Do you struggle to connect with prospects?
Does it feel awkward?
Not sure what to say or do?
You are not alone.
Start with tuning into WIIFM.
Just be interested and ask questions to learn more about them.
That is a great place to start.
LMK how it works out for you.
Good Luck!
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