Like no one really notices you or they aren’t interested?

How does that feel for you?

If you are in business, that is a huge problem.

Because, you need to be visible and attract interested people who want and need your product or service. Otherwise, you don’t have a business or income. Yikes!

I had so much resistance to getting out there and sharing my story and being more visible. I am not a shy person, but I just didn’t want it to be about me. I wanted it to be about you and my clients, the people I serve.

What I realized is that it doesn’t matter if I am the best business coach around if no one knows I exist. As much as I wanted to hide out, I knew it wasn’t going to work to build a million dollar coaching business.

I had to come out of hiding and be in the spotlight and share who I am and what I have to offer that can help people. Otherwise, no one knows I exist.

Once I made peace with being seen and heard I started to experiment, hired marketing coaches, and figured out what works best for me. And, now I am out there in front of millions every, single, day! Not because I want to be but because that is what is required to be successful and help more people achieve their goals and dreams.

I also had to accept that not everyone is my audience or tribe and that’s okay. There is plenty for everyone. 

I have learned through a lot of experience that I only want to work with my soulmate clients. 

I have wasted too much time and ended up frustrated and depleted trying to have mass appeal to everyone.

The only way to attract my soulmate clients is to be me, give generously what I have to offer, and to be seen and heard consistently in front of the whole gosh darn beautiful world.

So, here I am doing just that.

How about you?

Are you visible and attracting who you want to attract?