• I’m not worthy
  • I’m not good/smart/successful/lovable enough
  • This works for everyone but me
  • I don’t have the experience to succeed
  • I’m bad with money
  • I don’t have the skills or resources others have so it won’t work for me
  • I don’t matter/my feelings don’t matter
  • There’s no point in trying because it won’t work so why bother

Do you know the one thing they all have in common?  They are limiting beliefs.

We all have limiting beliefs.  In fact, every belief is a limiting belief. (If you believe you can make six figures you are limiting yourself from making seven or eight figures.)

We may not consciously remember the moment we made the decision to have this belief, but our unconscious mind does.

When we are in the imprint years (roughly the first seven to eleven years of childhood) we receive information without having the filters in place to accept, reject or refine data.  

For example, if an 8 year old child is told by his elementary school music teacher he can’t carry a tune and sings off key – he may make the decision that this means “I am not good at music and should never sing to myself or in front of anyone again, and in fact music is something that will not be a part of my life.”  

That is exactly what happened to me.  

I did not have the emotional development at that age to realize that teacher is someone with her own fears, insecurities and limiting beliefs who felt it was necessary to put children down instead of lift them up. I should have ignored what she said because it had no value for me.

But…I did NOT do that.  I stopped signing.  I shut down and it was decades before I found my true voice and expressed myself verbally (to speak, I still don’t sing).

Our beliefs can inspire us or they can limit us. 

What I’ve learned in my own experience and through thousands of coaching sessions with all types of entrepreneurs, is we all deal with the limiting beliefs instilled in us at a very young age. We are often unaware that these patterns and beliefs operate in the background and unconsciously run our lives. 

What I love about the work I do is that a lifelong limiting belief can be completely resolved in a couple of hours.  It happened to me and I’ve seen it happen with countless others. 

The beauty of this work is how it bypasses the conscious mind and focuses on the unconscious, where these beliefs are held.  

And we don’t need to go over the story of the music teacher again and again about how mean she was and how unsupportive she was. We focus on the lessons that needs to be learned to release that belief and allow our unconscious mind to create new empowering beliefs.  

Sounds too good to be true?  

Yeah, probably.  It did for me at first.  I took a “prove it” and wait and see attitude when I was first exposed to this body of work (NLP/Timeline Therapy).  

But somewhere along the way I got the proof. And the more time I spend Elevating my Mindset, and helping others I work with do the same, the more I see and believe in the power of this process.  

Make me prove it to you – jump on a free call today and let’s talk about what’s holding you back and how you can move forward.  Schedule your free connection call today!  https://catalystcoachingsolutions.setmore.com/michael