Have you ever shared the exact same experience with someone yet had two completely different versions of what happened?

I remember going to Disney World with my father when I was twelve years old.  We rode the Magic Mountain rollercoaster together.  Immediately after, I was excited and wanted to ride again.  My father needed time on a park bench and had no intention of getting back on the rollercoaster. 

Two people — one event — two experiences. 

How do we experience the world?  

By the information we take in.  

Our brain processes 11 billion bits of data each second.  

Our conscious mind processes 50 bits of data.  

That’s a lot of information we are not aware of.  

Our experience of the world comes through our senses:

  • See
  • Hear
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Touch

Think about that – every second of your life has been experienced through these senses.  There is no other way for you to be aware of something other than your senses.

All 11 billion bits of data are coming to your brain through the senses, so how does your brain know what gets attention and what gets ignored?  

Through the filters we unconsciously create, based on our values, thoughts and beliefs.  

Some of our filters work to our benefit.  At this point in my life I no longer enjoy rollercoasters – they make me nauseous and I can empathize with what Dad was feeling that spring day as he plopped down on the park bench.  I have no desire to try and change how I think and feel about rollercoasters.   

But some filters work to our detriment. If I view wealth as something that requires grinding day in and day out, then my filters will only show me the 50 bits of data where people are grinding – ignoring the rest of the prosperity people enjoy with ease.  

Mindset is a journey of never-ending improvement, and I have found the more I understand how the conscious and unconscious mind works the more effective I am at making changes.  

I know that the quickest and most profound changes to my mindset have been through releasing decades long-held limiting beliefs, which in turn changes my filters which changes what I consciously take in which changes how I experience the world which changes how I feel which changes what I believe… rinse and repeat.

Are you ready for a change?  It all starts with making a decision.  Decide to schedule a connection call with me and let’s discuss how you can change your experience of the world and your life!