In NLP, I am considered kinesthetic. I feel, touch, and do and that makes it real for me.
There are pros and cons to being that way.
I am fearless and not afraid of failure.
I am resilient and bounce back quickly to try again and again.
Those are great attributes until they aren’t.
We all need help in order to take our businesses to the next level.
No one succeeds alone.
In order to build wealth in a business you have to give up control for freedom.
You have to delegate to elevate.
You have to hire, train, and lead other people so you can grow and scale past your own capacities. Otherwise you limit your growth and success to what you can do by trading time for dollars. At some point there is only so much of you to go around and you run out of time, energy, and eventually motivation.
I have coached thousands of entrepreneurs for over 20 years and learned a few things by observing and helping that many people start up and grow businesses.
There is a phenomenon I witnessed in a lot of people who start up their own businesses to escape the rat race. They become self-employed slaves because they try to do everything themselves. They don’t trust that anyone can do it as good as they can.
Hitting too close to home?
We limit our success when we try to do everything ourselves.
It is impossible.
At some point, you run out of time.
You can’t scale a business to acquire wealth by trading your time for dollars.
But, you can by leveraging other people’s time and talent.
I am very self-sufficient, independent, smart and capable.
I am not bragging.
I am admitting that those very qualities trapped me into working way too hard for way too long and missing out on having more fun and enjoying life more.
Thank God, I’ve got a great business partner and coach, Michael, who supports me in keeping me mindful and focused on operating in my zone of genius. He clears the path and helps me see where and when we are ready to hire someone else to take more off my plate so I can do more.
That is the magic of delegate to elevate. It frees you up to do more!
When you leverage other people’s time and talent it frees you up to operate in your zone of genius.
What would be possible for you and your business if you were to delegate to elevate? Where would you start?
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