I did a lot of Landmark Education courses, almost all of them. I was doing one of their leadership courses when the idea for something fun to do turned out to be an unexpected business.

I was working 12-16 hour days as a district sales manager building up my insurance team of agents when I decided to invest in a couple of leadership programs. I wanted to learn how to be the best leader possible. 

I started the program reluctantly, actually. One of my coaches in the past insisted I do it. I really didn’t want to. But, I was coacheable and went for it. And, I am so glad I did! I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it!

During that program we had to create a project for one of our communities that would breathe new possibilities into the community. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I just knew I didn’t want to do more work. I needed something to balance out all the work I was doing. I needed to have some fun and more free time to just enjoy life.

One of my neighbors suggested I do something with dogs.
So, I started a pet sitting service, just for fun.
I was just going through the motions for the leadership course so I could mark things off the list.

I really didn’t intend on making it a business.

But, it took off in spite of me.
In fact, I gave notice at my corporate insurance district sales manager job 4 months later.

I did research and found mentors and coaches and found out I could build my own 6 figure business doing something I loved without having to wear suits or play by someone else’s rules.

I had no idea I was going to start that business.

It was a fluke.

It was a happy accident just because I needed a break and to do something fun.

In less than 2 years, I had 10 people working for me and was making over $100k walking and boarding dogs in my home based business.

I sold that business a few years later.

There are always opportunities.
It is just a matter of perspective as to whether or not you see them.

What opportunity is right under your nose that perhaps you see as a problem right now, that could be a gold mine if you saw it another way?

What stops you from seeing opportunities?