I have started up several small businesses.
I struggled to make it with some of them.
And, I hung in there with a few others and was able to grow them to $100,000 -1,000,000 businesses. 

Do you expect to succeed the first time you try something?

Think about babies trying to walk.
Think of how ridiculous it would be for a baby to give up trying to walk.
Yet, that is what so many people do in their businesses.

They give up on marketing, sales, operations, running the business, hiring and training people . . .  because it is too hard. 

Is there something you know you need to do or should be doing in your business but you aren’t? Perhaps you don’t know how to do it, or you don’t want to do it, or there is a limiting belief stopping you from doing it.

If you don’t have the discipline, drive, or determination to hang in there and do whatever it takes to succeed, then go get a job.

Being a successful entrepreneur is hard.

It requires work.

And, you have to do all those things you don’t want to do, like learning marketing, sales, and tracking all your KPI’s. 

If you aren’t doing those things, you have a hobby, not a business.

The reason I have succeeded in growing a few small businesses to 6 and 7 figures is through determination, persistence, and consistency. I didn’t give up. I kept experimenting and trying things until I found what worked for me.

And, that is how I have grown yet another successful coaching business to 6 figures in the first year.

I don’t give up.

I am consistent.

I keep learning and experimenting.

I am fearless about failing.

I fail forward and learn from my mistakes and get better.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy.
It is a lot of work in the first couple of years.
You wear many hats.

You are figuring things out.

It takes time and hard work.

There is no way around that.

Why do you think business coaching has exploded over the last several years?
Because we all want to get there faster and easier. There is no shame in that.

When I first started out as a coach over 21 years ago, I hired a coach to help me grow my coaching business. I filled up my entire coaching business in 6 weeks! 

I was coachable and took massive action. 

There were some things I didn’t want to do, but I did them anyway.

What aren’t you doing in your business to succeed because you don’t want to or because you don’t know how? Get some help!

Being an entrepreneur is hard work until it isn’t.
Then it is freedom!

Because you have hired other people to replace you and do all the work for you.

Don’t stop before you experience that success.

It is worth it.

LMK if you need some help with that.