I didn’t have to sell them.
They already knew, liked and trusted me.
That’s because I gave a lot of value up front that resonated with them.
Are you skeptical when people offer to help you?
Recently I responded to a woman’s post in a group who was asking for help because she was short-staffed and didn’t have enough people to serve all her clients. She was stressed out about it.
I responded and offered to jump on a call to discuss it and see if we could come up with some ideas to help her. She saw that I am a coach and DM’ed me, “How much will it be to talk to you?”.
I told her it wouldn’t cost her anything and that I just wanted to help her with no catch. Then she told me she was extremely busy for the next 3 weeks.
I was responding to her cry for help and then she wasn’t able to accept that I wanted to help her without getting something in return.
I have seen so many people who struggle and then when someone offers to help them, they won’t let them. They don’t feel worthy, or perhaps they are skeptical about what the catch is. There is a limiting belief of some kind that prevents them from receiving.
What kind of world have we become that profit has become more important than people?
Competition is a masculine energy.
It is not good or bad . . . unless it gets out of balance.
A little bit of cooperative feminine energy is a nice balance to all the competition out there.
What would be possible in business, politics, socially, and the health of our planet if we all worked together more and competed less?
I have a dream of a happier, healthier economy and humanity.
I’m on a mission to transform the way women do business to restore some balance in the world between masculine and feminine energies.
One way I have chosen to transform the way I do business is to be generous and give a lot up front to just help people out . . . without an ulterior motive to get something in return.
Let’s face it, there are people out there that need my help but can’t afford it.
I can watch them struggle and suffer or I can lend a hand and lift them up and sleep better that night. We all need help sometimes.
Zig Ziglar said, “If you help enough people get what they want, you will eventually get what you want.”
What if, in business, we each tried giving just to help someone out without expecting something in return? I have benefitted from other generous entrepreneurs that helped me out without wanting anything in return. They just wanted to help me.
How about you?
Where could you pay it forward?
Or, do you need to receive and allow others to help you out?
Here’s the thing, karma has a way of balancing the scales.
When you give, you get.
And, over time, people trust you and like you and just come to you to do business with you because you are a giver not a taker.
What are you willing to gladly give without expecting anything in return?
What do you need to open up to receive and let it in?
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