I write and post content that educates, entertains, and engages people and adds value by inspiring people to think. And, I do it consistently every week and have been for many months.

I share my stories. I am willing to get up close and real to show you if I can do it, so can you.

Writing comes easily to me. I understand it doesn’t for a lot of people. Here’s the good news. 

Writing is a learnable skill. And, there are some tricks for cranking out tons of content consistently every week for months and months.

I have developed a template and it is working.

My content generates leads that turn into relationships with some extraordinary people I wouldn’t have met had I not put it all out there.

I believe my main purpose is to inspire hope. I share my stories not because I am an exhibitionist. I don’t particularly like exposing myself. In fact, I really don’t like to focus the attention on myself at all. But, what I do have a deep desire for is to have a positive impact and inspire hope in others.

My hope is that by sharing myself and being real, authentic, and vulnerable that it sparks something in someone else that gives them hope that if I can do it so can they.

I got laid off in April.

I knew it was coming.

So, I prepared.

And, it has been awesome not grinding away in Corporate America where my superpowers weren’t appreciated that much.

Now I work less and get paid A LOT more.

I had set that intention about 6 months before I got laid off, that I wanted to work less and get paid more.

I am a freedom loving kinda gal.
I’ll admit it. I like being the queen bee boss of my own business.

But, I don’t fool myself and just dream and lollygag around. (Yes, that is an old fashioned word you Millenials have probably never heard before. 🙂

I set goals. I develop a plan. And, I take action.

And, I am not afraid of failure.
I am willing to experiment and try things and get messy and do it very publicly.

But, if you are not like me, then perhaps you just need to borrow my plan and process to avoid all that mess and just get the results.

Let me know if you would like to learn how to create consistent content that gets you noticed while providing tons of value for others. 

It is a rewarding experience to see that what you wrote inspires others.