There was a woman who really needed help in her business and felt drawn to work with me. She had been watching me and liked what I was doing. There was a connection there.
It took a few calls to get to know each other and connect. I was happy to invest the time in getting to know her and to see if it was a fit for both of us.
I was patient with her. I didn’t push. It wasn’t about making the sale or getting a new client. I just really got her and who she was and how much she really wanted to start up her own business. I could see her passion and all that she had to offer. She just needed help figuring out how to get from where she was to where she wanted to be.
She had already invested a lot of money into her training and development professionally and personally. But she was tapped out. So we waited until she was ready. Then she found a way. Actually, we figured it out together.
Now we are working together. She is my dream client. She is passionate, eager, a hard-worker, talented and a busy single mom who just needed someone on her side to show her the way to manage it all and still give some time to her dream.
Now we are working on figuring out the pace that works best for her.
The reality of time is that there are only 24 hours a day and 168 hours in a week.
How do you use that time? You never get it back. So use it wisely.
That doesn’t mean you have to kill yourself in order to succeed, even if you are stretched to the limit and already have a full and busy life. There is always a way but perhaps you can’t see it on your own.
Why do you think coaching has exploded over the last 10 years or more? Because it works!
If coaching didn’t work,
it would have died in its infancy over 30 years ago.
The trick is to find the right coach for you.
What do you need a coach for in order to take your dreams and business to the next level?
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