We all have goals and dreams.
Some people just keep dreaming while others make their dreams come true.

It isn’t enough to dream.
You’ve got to formulate a plan and then take action in order to achieve your goals and make dreams come true.

For many years I dreamed of living in another country. I had subscribed to International Living for years and was intrigued and fascinated by alternatives to live an exciting and affordable life travelling abroad.

I thought it would be something I would do after I retired but it happened so much earlier than that and I was thrilled.

I reunited with some friends who had moved down to Baja California in Mexico. I started doing some work for them and came to visit them for a weekend. Two months later I moved to Baja and lived there for 4 years.

I had family and friends who were worried about me moving to Mexico. They were concerned that it wasn’t safe. But, I did my research and found out from my friends who had lived there for many years and found out it was safe.

I moved there all by myself, with my 4 dogs and thrived for 4 years.
In fact, that is when my life and business started to take off.

It was an exciting and empowering adventure.
And, yes, I practiced my Spanish and got better, but not fluent yet.

The point here is that I went for it!

I took action and didn’t let other people’s fears and limiting beliefs stop me from fulfilling a lifelong dream.

It was such a rewarding experience!

So, what dreams and goals do you have that need to be dusted off and buffed up to put a little shine back into them? What is stopping you from going for it in life and in your business?

Set a goal.

Make a plan.


Take action.

Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride. Tell me how it goes.