I just attracted a couple of new clients who are my ideal clients. It was so easy. I didn’t have to sell them or chase after them. They came ready to buy. They were attracted to me and my message and really resonated with it.
Did I mention, it was easy.
These new clients are exactly who I love, love, love working with. They were eager and willing to do whatever it took to find the money and the time to work with me. That is such an awesome feeling. For them and me.
You know that feeling. When you want something bad enough, you will do whatever it takes to find the money and time to do it or get that thing you want.
Working with Your Ideal Client is More Fun and Easy
When you ONLY work with and market to your ideal client there is no resistance to contend with. They are eager, enthusiastic and ready to get started now and do whatever it takes to get the results they want and you deliver. They have been searching for you. They are ready!
Don’t Try to be Everything to All People
You aren’t going to be attractive to everyone. Oh well. Get over it! Don’t waste your precious time, energy, and emotion lamenting about that. Accept that, let go, and move on. Find your tribe, the people who get you. They are raving fans who don’t need any convincing. They are madly in love with you, just, the, way, you, are! You get to be you!!!
Don’t fit in. Stand out Instead!
Have the courage to be your own unique, authentic self and shine your light bright. Be you, warts and all.
You don’t have to be perfect.
In fact, your flaws and imperfections will be appealing to your ideal client and make them trust and like you more because you are real and accessible and someone they can relate to.
Trust that you are loved and have value. There are people who are your audience and begging for a ticket to attend your show. They are your raving fans. They get you and resonate with your energy and message. You don’t have to wait for them. They’ve been waiting for you. And, they are absolutely thrilled that they finally found you!
Don’t Chase the Money
Here’s the thing, selling out for money sucks. It doesn’t work. It sucks your soul right out of your eyeballs.
Because when they aren’t thrilled about you or your product or service, they aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to get the results they want. And, if you’re honest, you aren’t thrilled about working with them either.
Never work with someone just for the money. It will only frustrate and drain you and make you feel cheap and compromised. That is an icky feeling.
You can’t be all things to all people. You will kill yourself trying and end up burning out and frustrated that you aren’t getting paid for all your hard work. It really sucks when you work so hard and know that you have something of value to offer and wonder why no one is buying it.
Been there and done that. Plain and simple. It SUCKS!!! Like a huge tub of lemons!
Can you relate? Come on. I know you can.
Not Everyone is Your Customer – Get Over it!
When you try to appeal to everyone you end up appealing to no one, because you have a watered-down message that’s potency has been diluted for mass appeal.
You have to trust that attracting the few is better than chasing the many. Wouldn’t you rather work less and make more and enjoy the process completely, rather than toil away killing yourself to make a buck?
One Size Doesn’t Fit All.
There are no cookie-cutter solutions. When you try to appeal to everyone because you are afraid you will limit your pool of prospects too much, you are a minnow lost at sea when what you really want to be is a shark in a pond. You have to be brave enough to stand out and get noticed by the right people.
There is Plenty for Everyone!
On a planet of almost 8 billion people, there is plenty of business for everyone. You don’t need to appeal to everyone. You only need to appeal to a few that really want and need your product and service and are willing to do whatever it takes to work with you. They see the value and are happy to pay you.
It is like Magic When You Connect
Psst! Here’s the secret. You attract your ideal client by being your vulnerable, real, flawed, lovable human self. People relate to people who are real and authentic. You can trust that. And that is the language your ideal client speaks and is listening and looking for.
When that happens you feel it. It gives you goosebumps and exhilarates you. It feels like magic. And oddly enough, it also feels so natural like you are coming home. It is chemistry. It is a match made in heaven because you get to be you and they get to be them. Then the work you do together just flows. In fact, it doesn’t even feel like work. It is fun, creative, and empowering.
So why would you want to work with anyone else? Seems kinda silly to me. Don’t ya think?
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