He was too busy running another business to focus on his real estate business like he really wanted to. It was frustrating for him. He and his wife were so burnt out on running their own dental very successful practice.
When we first started working together, Andrew was frustrated, not very motivated, and complained a lot about everything that wasn’t working.
There were no prospects interested in buying their dental practice.
There was no end in sight.
But, he was determined and saw investing in real estate as his way out.
He just needed to break free of all that he was doing to run the other business.
So, we started looking for ways he could replace himself and buy some of his time back.
Then we worked out a plan for how he could little by little focus more time and energy on his new real estate investment business.
He was motivated and committed.
He just needed support and encouragement and a plan to focus on.
He had a huge motivation.
He wanted to rescue his wife and retire her.
You know how it goes, happy wife, happy life.
Then something wonderful happened, he got not one, not two, but three interested buyers for his dental business!!! So we worked through all that for months. And, he finally sold it!
Now he is working his real estate investment business full time!
And, he is crushing it, managing a few projects at a time, rehabs, wholesales, rentals.
He’s doing it all!
He is starting to delegate to elevate and scale his business to be automated so he has more time to spend with his family.
And, the best part of all of his success over the last year has been that he got to retire his wife!
Now he is in Disneyland with his family for two weeks for his birthday and a long overdue family vacation that he worked very hard to provide for his growing family of 5.
Andrew Castine doesn’t complain anymore.
He sets goals and then takes action and makes things happen.
He networks his ass off and has several accountability buddies and calls every, single day! That’s right, several accountability calls every, single, day!
He is one of my favorite clients because he is unstoppable and goes for it!
Happy Birthday, Andrew Castine!
Keep crushing it!
You deserve all the success you dream of achieving.
This is just the beginning!
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